Web Site Tutorials

This tutorial has been written to guide event organisers through the new CTT system. It assumes you have already experience in organising CTT events and your events are live on the website. If you are looking for information on organising your first event, we suggest you read the Getting Started guide.

Before You Begin

Before you can begin organising events using the new CTT system, you should first ensure:

  • You are a registered user on the CTT website
  • You have asked for your CTT account to be linked to your organiser account

Using These Tutorials

Each tutorial is design to follow on from the previous i.e you should watch Tutorial 1 before Tutorial 2.

Tips & Suggestions
  • We recommend to use the Google Chrome browser
  • You use organisers forum to post questions to the event organiser community. This may help your questions be answered as quickly as possible
  • You use the contact methods as described on this website to talk directly with someone at the CTT